About Rasos
In 1908, a group of young hikers used luges and skis for the first time at Rasos de Peguera (Bergueda). They had been imported from Switzerland by Albert Santamaria, a member of that group. It was precisely that same year when the Secció d’Esports de Muntanya (the Mountain Sports Section) of the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya (the Hiking Centre of Catalonia) was created; an organization highly linked to the insertion of skiing in Catalonia. “Cent anys sobre esquís” (“One hundred years in skis”), by Daniel Romaní (“La Vanguardia”, 22-03-2008).
That was the beginning of skiing in Catalonia, and there is a commemorative plaque which says so in our first mountain refuge, from 1933, placed there when the celebration of the first 25 years took place. It’s been 114 years since the beginning of skiing at Rasos de Peguera.
Josep Lluís Vilaseca, former director of the Directorate General for Sport of La Generalitat, stated that: ‘the progression of skiing in Catalonia —one cannot forget that it precisely began at Rasos de Peguera— has been truly important through this last few years’.
Jaume Farguell, a former mayor of Berga, observed: ‘Us, Bergadans, enjoy, by the power of habit —and we are almost unaware of it—, this prodigy of nature’.
In 2008, a commemoration for the centenary was celebrated, and Rasos de Peguera still keeps the charm up!
Rasos is the closest ski resort to Barcelona (114 km) and its entries are toll-free! There are ten ski slopes and six drag lifts in our ski resort.
Eight founding partners constituted Rasos de Peguera Co. in 1974, and our ski and mountain resort has been managed by this company since then. .

Surrounded by a privileged landscape, Rasos de Peguera ski and mountain resort can be found at the municipalities of Montmajor and Castellar del Riu.
The minimum spot height is 1.850 metres, and the highest, 2.050,
and it’s next to Ensija-Rasos de Peguera PEIN (Area of Natural Interest Plan).
It is an hour’s drive to the Mediterranean beaches (114 km) and Barcelona Airport, and well-connected.
Our slopes and routes are covered in grass and are specifically facing north, to make sure they are protected from the wind.

Meteo Rasos